Good Evening USCA Membership,

As you all know, the USCA leadership has negotiated with the city to provide the membership with the best possible contract we were able to negotiate at this time. Not everything we wanted to accomplish but we are definitely moving in the right direction. After the vote that overwhelmingly approved the final stage of the contract I wanted to inform all members of the items that have been negotiated and approved.

• Permitting our members to carry up 520 hours of SCA time in our respective banks during the remainder of this contract and the entirety of the next contract. After the expiration of the next CBA, the time bank agreement will revert back to past practices (sunset) and a new SCA bank allocation will be re-negotiated. All other facets of the SCA time bank remain unchanged(Please ensure all Boroughs and Splinter groups/units adjust your vacation/SCA Grids and submit them as required. Please keep in mind that there is a minimum staffing for each zone and you should not go below that number and leave your Borough Short. Also keep in mind the weeks you are scheduled to cover Operations and ensure you leave enough personal in place to cover for the entire week if needed.
• Elimination of “in lieu of” days.*
• The right to request SCA time during Snow Plow- At the discretion of the DBCC , Dir of SWM or one of their designees, during favorable weather and on a case by case basis. Once approved, out of town members on SCA leave cannot be recalled.
• There will be a $100 increase per year, per member, by the city to the Welfare fund.
• The Deputy Chief’s will have year round commuter privileges with their assigned vehicles. Commuter Privilege rules remain unchanged and we remind all parties of their responsibilities concerning their vehicles.

I would also like to take this opportunity to inform all members that Russ Taormina has officially has stepped down as President of the Union and will now start the next stage of the rest of his life and hopefully enjoy his retirement for many years to come. He has spent the past 15 Years fighting for our membership and I could not say thank you enough for the work he has done over that time.

Moving forward the Board has voted to elevate the following members to their new rolls to complete the final year of the current term.
President – (myself) Anthony Pasquale
Vice President- Ignazio Azzara

We will continue to work hard for the members and continue to take the Union in the right direction.

The Board will be up for reelection in 2018 and we will nominate our slate at our April 2018 meeting.

I would like to thank each and every member for your confidence and trust in the Board, It is our privilege to work for our members.

Respectfully yours,


Anthony Pasquale Jr
Night City Superintendent 1600 Shift
NYC Department of Sanitation
New York’s Strongest